Digital Online Calculator:

Our digital online calculator website provides the output from basic arithmetic operations to difficult mathematical expressions by using online calculating tools. It can do versatile calculations in various fields like science, mathematical expression and also commerce purposes. Before 1970, calculators were bulky and most costly devices, and  performed limited operations only. But in this day and age,you can solve any problem by simply giving proper input value which is asked in  the according calculating tool to get the appropriate result.There are many types of calculators available offline and online,some of them are:

i) Basic Calculator: Basic calculators are easily portable one, used to do basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logarithmic operations. Some basic calculators are available in compact size, so you can carry it in your pocket.It has physical keys to give input and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) seven segment display for delivering output as 8 to 12 digits according to the calculator model. Some of operation keys in basic calculator are

m+ mean memory plus,it is used to add the presently displayed number to the value which is in memory.

m- mean memory minus,it is used to subtract  the presently displayed number to the value which is in memory.

mc means memory clear, clearing the memory value without affecting the present value, mc remains 0 until you press M+ or m-.

mr means Memory recall, it’s used to recall the value which is stored in memory.

AC means All clear, used to clear all values in the memory. Some calculators have a  CE button for this option.

ii)Scientific Calculator: Scientific Calculators have extra features than basic calculators, solve science and Engineering problems and solve some mathematical expressions. Casio calculators play a major role in the market, we all crossed over the Casio Scientific calculator in our school and colleges to solve mathematical expression and science problems. It is the one used to solve most of the problems in different fields like Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematical expressions like logarithmic, trigonometric problems, scientific notations and binary functions.

iii) Financial or Business Calculator:

Financial calculators designed to solve finance related problems that basic calculators can’t do. It has special keys like N, I/YR, PV, PMT, and FV

iii) Financial or Business Calculator: Financial calculators designed to solve finance related problems that basic calculators can’t do. It has special keys like N, I/YR, PV, PMT, and FV keys at the top of the calculator, easy to calculate the time value of money, interest rate like simple interest, compound interest, future value of money and present value of money.It’s indispensable for commerce, economics students, business sector people, finance managers and real estate.Having finance calculator in our hand helps you to narrow down your expenses, achieve your financial goal in personal and Business.It’s not possible to carry finance calculator in all place wherever you go, our online digital calculators helps you to analyze and calculate your finance related calculations.\

Interesting facts about Calculators:

  • In 1643, B.Pascal invented a special summing device and then Gottfried -Wilhelm Leibniz, German mathematician in 1673, invented a calculating machine that is little different from pascal summing machine, it became the base for calculators.
  • First pocket size calculator launched in 1971,after replacing the more versions and modifications, with weight of 721 grams or 1.59 pounds, it contains vacuum fluorescent display, Nicad rechargeable batteries.
  • Numeric keys in the calculators are arranged in bottom to top positions instead of top to bottom like mobile keys.